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MWCC Hosting Speaker Discussion “Gender Identity: Understanding Identity and Sexuality”

Mount Wachusett Community College’s Tea Time Speaker Series will hold a discussion and presentation titled “Gender Identity: Understanding Identity and Sexuality,” on Monday, Sept. 25 from 12 to 2 p.m.

The keynote speaker for this event will be Laura Farnsworth who is the program director for Safe Homes & Greater Worcester PFLAG with The Bridge of Central MA Inc. Following a luncheon, the presentation will begin at 12:30 p.m. The discussion takes place at a time when understanding identity and sexuality can be challenging and the language around gender and sexuality continues to evolve rapidly.

Learning which words or phrases are most accurate, respectful, and useful is an important goal for classroom and workplace interactions. The training will examine key terms and concepts for understanding gender diversity, sexual orientation, and for communicating students and colleagues.

The Tea Time Speaker Series fosters conversation among the college community and greater community on social and cultural issues and awareness. The event will take place at MWCC’s Gardner campus in the Multipurpose Room. The event is open to the public and registration is available at